Oxford capital eis fund


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Oxford Capital has created a CPD guide (accredited by the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment) to help advisers better understand the strategy, process and risks of EIS investing. Two hours of structured CPD will be available to those who download the guide and complete the final online quiz.

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Best Investor Return Winner 2022

Best Investment Platform Finalist 2022

Best Journalist or Advocate Finalist 2022

EISA Impact Award Finalist 2022

Best Investment Platform Finalist 2021

Exit of the Year Finalist 2021

eisa21 best eis funds

Spirit of EIS Finalist 2021

BVCA Excellence in ESG Category – Commended 2020

Exit of the Year One to Watch Finalist 2020

VC Investor of the Year Winner 2020

Best Angel Syndicate Winner 2018

Venture Capital House of the Year Winner 2013 and 2005

Best EIS Fund Manager 2013, 2012, 2010 & 2016