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Meet the Oxford Capital team – Nick Sudlow, Analyst, Investor Relations

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1. What’s a typical day like for you at Oxford Capital?

A typical day can be quite varied depending on what activities are taking place within the company, for example if we are closing a funding round, but my primary role is to be the first port of call for our investors. This means answering telephone queries from investors and advisers and responding to emails submitted to our investor support inbox. This can vary from helping investors and financial advisers to access our Investor Centre Portal, to answering queries and providing information about individual investments.

I also support our operations team in ensuring that the data we provide to our clients is accurate, and our business development team with their administrative duties to maximise their time interacting with clients and financial advisers.

2. Can you tell us a bit more about your role and your background prior to joining Oxford Capital?

Prior to joining Oxford Capital, I worked in warranty administration for a motor group. This put me in good stead for my role at Oxford Capital, as it also required a high degree of data accuracy, the ability to work in a changing environment, and the ability to maintain relationships and communicate clearly with the public.

3. What have you learnt working through the Covid-19 pandemic? How has it shifted how we engage with clients and their advisers?

Joining Oxford Capital whilst working from home guidance was in place was a big adjustment, but I think it has been really beneficial for the company and the team to adapt to a more flexible way of working. These changes have meant that we have found more and better ways of staying connected with our clients, made big steps towards being a digital first company and minimising our impact on the environment, and the team remains conscious to check in with one another and look after our mental well-being.

 4. Which of our portfolio companies is your favourite and why?

I think that all of the companies in the portfolio are really interesting, but my favourites are the disruptive ones. HomeTree has a fantastic model, and it’s exciting to see how they’re forcing their way into a monopolised sector and making a real difference to the market.

5. What most interests you about working with early-stage companies and the processes behind this?

I find it inspiring to see the ideas behind, and growth of, early stage companies, and it feels like an insight into the future every time a new company joins our portfolio. It’s fascinating to see companies join our portfolio with a team of just four or five people, and watch them grow to leading teams into the hundreds.  It’s so important for us to learn from these companies to help us better replicate that success in the future.

Quickfire round

1. Favourite pastime/hobby

Several! I love reading, gardening (very amateurishly) and spending time with my partner and our animals.

 2. Favourite holiday destination

Anywhere I can find good weather, good food and good wine.

3. Favourite meal

Depends on the occasion, but pizza and a pub roast are firm favourites.

4. Favourite film/TV show

That’s a tough one as I enjoy so many, but I’ve probably watched Star Wars the most!

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