Last update: June 2023
Under Rule 2.2.3.R of the FCA’s Conduct of Business Sourcebook, Oxford Capital Partners LLP (the “Firm”) is required to include on this website a disclosure about the nature of its commitment to the UK Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC) Stewardship Code (the “Code”) or, where it does not commit to the Code, its alternative strategy. The Code is voluntary and details a number of principles that set high expectations for how investors, and those that support them, invest and manage money, and how this leads to sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society.
The Firm primarily pursues venture capital investments into early-stage technology companies. The British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (“BVCA”) published a response in March 2019 to the FRC’s proposed revision to the Code in the context of private equity (“PE”) and venture capital (“VC”) firms. The BVCA stated that considering the stewardship practices already in place within our industry, they believe the Code is less applicable for PE/VC firms and there would be limited benefit for the majority of such firms in adopting it. The Firm supports the BVCA’s view and has therefore chosen not to commit to the Code.
In order to demonstrate the Firm’s commitment to achieving sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society through our investment decisions, we have embedded these considerations within our ESG Policy and underlying investment processes.